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Cardio-protective omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in comparison to the handle diet plan. Medeiros et al. demonstrated the potential of diets enriched together with the omega-3 fatty acid ALA to considerably boost the omega-3 fatty acid (i.e. DHA) content material of theTable 3 Liver polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations of SHRs fed diets for four weeksDietary group Fatty acid Linolelaidic Linoleic -Linolenic -Linolenic Eicosadienoic Eicosatrienoic Dihomo–linolenic Arachidonic Eicosapentaenoic Docosadienoic Docosatrienoic Docosatatraenoic Docosapentaenoic DocosahexaenoicStructure C18:2n6t C18:2n6c C18:3n3 C18:3n6 C20:2n6 C20:3n3 C20:3n6 C20:4n6 C20:5n3 C22:2n6 C22:3n3 C22:4n6 C22:5n3 C22:6nControl 0.49 0.a a4 CG 0.09 0.a a4 PL 0.17 0.a a4 SPG 0.32 0.27a 16.56 2.82a 0.07 0.02a three.55 1.20b 0.23 0.04a 0.26 0.15a 0.37 0.02ab 18.51 three.58a 0.10 0.01a 0.07 0.04a 0.87 0.11ab 0.85 0.10a 1.72 0.19a 8.53 0.63b14.07 0.16.44 0.16.45 2.0.10 0.01a 0.93 0.a0.ten 0.02a 3.70 0.b0.10 0.01a 5.59 0.b0.34 0.04a 0.09 0.a0.27 0.06a 0.27 0.a0.39 0.09a 0.18 0.a0.32 0.02a 20.39 1.a0.31 0.04a 14.15 3.a0.44 0.03b 15.80 three.a0.10 0.02a 0.03 0.a0.ten 0.01a four.09 4.a0.19 0.06a 0.09 0.a1.01 0.07a 0.68 0.a0.76 0.09ab 0.64 0.a0.60 0.11b 0.78 0.a1.95 0.42a 5.16 0.a2.98 0.73a eight.31 1.b2.34 0.34a 8.44 1.bData are (expressed as) imply percentage SE. Values inside the same row that don’t share the identical superscript letter are substantially different in accordance with analysis of variance and Duncan’s post hoc procedures (P .05); nd = not detected. Manage = AIN-76 A manage diet program; 4 CG = AIN-76A diet + 4 collard green powder; four purslane = AIN-76A diet regime + 4 purslane powder; 4 SPG = AIN-76A eating plan + four sweet potato green powder.6-Thioguanine Values in rows with many superscript letters (e.g. ab) are certainly not drastically various from other values containing the shared superscript letter (e.g.Belatacept a or b).PMID:34645436 Johnson et al. Lipids in Overall health and Illness 2013, 12:168 http://www.lipidworld/content/12/1/Page 4 ofTable 4 Total liver fatty acid concentrations and ratios of SHRs fed diets for four weeksDietary group Fatty acid Saturated Unsaturated Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-6 fatty acids Omega-6/3 ratio LA/ALA ratio EPA + DHAControl 39.68 1.51a 62.18 1.22a 18.25 1.51a 43.92 1.a4 CG 33.99 7.63a 67.64 7.52a 20.22 four.58a 47.42 six.a4 PL 32.57 5.91a 67.84 five.81a 22.14 5.09a 45.70 1.a4 SPG 33.16 five.64a 68.97 five.03a 20.17 4.43a 48.80 1.04a eight.62 0.64b 35.07 1.05a 4.31 0.33a 17.48 3.44a eight.59 0.65b5.27 0.34a 34.47 1.a7.88 1.16ab 32.25 two.a7.67 1.38ab 30.59 three.a6.68 0.23a 14.13 1.a9.05 four.97a 11.95 .a8.17 4.87a 12.17 1.a5.20 0.34a7.82 1.17ab7.62 1.38abData are (expressed as) imply percentage SE. Values in the identical row that do not share the same superscript letter are drastically unique in line with evaluation of variance and Duncan’s post hoc procedures (P .05); nd = not detected. Control = AIN-76 A control diet plan; four CG = AIN-76A diet program + 4 collard green powder; 4 purslane = AIN-76A diet program + four purslane powder; four SPG = AIN-76A eating plan + 4 sweet potato green powder. Saturated = sum of saturated fatty acids; unsaturated = sum monounsaturated fatty acids + sum polyunsaturated fatty acids); monounsaturated = sum of monounsaturated fatty acids; polyunsaturated = sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids; omega-3 fatty acids = sum of C18:3n3, C20:5n3 and C22:5n3; omega-6 fatty acids = sum of C18:2n6 and C20:4n6; omega-6/3 ratio = omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids; LA/ALA ratio = C18:2n6 (linoleic acid, LA)/C18:3n3 (-linolenic acid, ALA); EPA.

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