rrupting an interaction between the ORNs and glial cells that depends on FGFR activation in the glial cells. Glial FGFRs in Glia-Neuron Signaling Blocking glial FGFR activation: effects on glia During development of the olfactory pathway, glial migration occurs in response to the arrival of ORN axons and leads to the formation of the sorting zone and formation of the glial envelopes that stabilize developing glomeruli. We have observed previously that NP glia fail to migrate but do extend processes following blockade of neuron-to-glial cell signaling via nitric oxide or disruption of sterol-rich membrane subdomains with methyl-b-cyclodextrin. We have shown here the same phenotype in PD173074-treated animals. Together, these several observations indicate that glial cell ” migration in response to ORN axon ingrowth and 16302825” coupling of cell-body movement to process extension depends on several signaling systems, including FGFR activation. As background for assessing the connection between FGFR activation and NP glial cell migration, we know the following: 1) NP glial cells migrate only if a sufficient number of ORN axons have arrived at the antennal lobe. 2) NP glial migration depends on influx of extracellular calcium through voltage-gated Migration. calcium BCTC supplier channels following depolarization. 3) These calcium channels are activated by the presence of ORN axons; they are not activated until after initial contact with ORN axons and glia in antennal lobes deprived of ORN innervation do not exhibit functional voltage-gated calcium channels. 4) NP and SZ glia express nicotinic acetylcholine receptors; blocking these receptors in situ eliminates calcium transients in response to carbamylcholine, an acetylcholine receptor agonist. Thus both NP and SZ glia are capable of responding to ORN axon-derived acetylcholine via depolarization and activation of the voltage-gated calcium channels, an essential prerequisite for migration. 5) NP glia imaged in situ display no calcium influx in response to 200 mM carbamylcholine at stage m5, show maximum influx at stage 6, at the height of glial migration, and then display an influx that declines to about half maximum by stage 9, indicating a strong temporal correlation between acetylcholine-induced glial calcium influx and glial cell migration to surround protoglomeruli. In the context of our results that FGFR activation is coupled to NP glial cell migration, phH3 nuclei per 1000 glia 4.6 2.0 5.3 2.1 60% 57% Treatment 1XDMSO 1XPD 2XDMSO 2XPD Totals Vibratome sections examined 6 6 8 11 31 Optical sections examined 107 108 128 170 513 Optical sections quantitated 13 12 16 21 62 Avg glia/optical Avg phH3 section nuclei/op sec 210.3 167.5 358.0 183.3 0.95 0.27 1.85 0.4 Reduction in glial division with PD173074 Total glial nuclei counted: 14,428. p-values obtained using Student’s t-test.Alternatively, pathways downstream of calcium influx and FGFR activation could intersect to produce glial cell migration via, for example, activation of doublecortin, src-family kinases, and focal adhesion kinases. In contrast to the effect on NP glial cells, pharmacologic blockade of FGFR activation did not prevent the migration of SZ or AN glial cells. Blockade of ORN-mediated nitric oxide signaling or disruption of sterol-rich membrane subdomains with methyl-b-cyclodextrin also failed to block SZ glial cell migration. Our inability to block SZ glial migration by these various methods may be due to the fact that the initial contact bet
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