board tests nor from different sensitivity to Determination of Ab Plaque-load To quantify Ab plaque burden, cortices and hippocampi of the sections stained with an anti-Ab42 Ab were digitized and acquired with an Olympus BX63 microscope equipped with CellSens Dimension software as previously reported. 6 coronal brain sections, separated by 60 mm interval, from each mouse were analyzed. Plaque number and 21560248 total area were determined automatically. Brain regions were based on the mouse brain atlas. ELISA Soluble and insoluble Ab fractions were isolated from cortex homogenates using a four step extraction protocol. Then, the same mice were buy Scopoletin tested for ORT with a retention interval of 60 min. In the T1 trial the exploration time of the familiar object was comparable in the four groups, where OLE-fed and untreated animals showed no deficiencies in exploratory activity, directional movement towards the objects and locomotor activity. In the T2 trial, untreated Tg mice exhibited impairments in novel object preference compared to wt mice, as shown by the significant reduction in the discrimination score,. The ability of OLE-fed Tg mice to discriminate between the familiar and novel object was significantly improved respect to that of untreated Tg mice and undistinguishable from that of wt mice. Altogether, the results of the memory performance tests indicate that in our mouse model cognitive impairment is completely prevented/rescued by OLE administration to young/middle-aged Tg mice. the radiating plaques displayed a less dense core surrounded by fewer and smaller round-shaped deposits than in untreated Tg mice. Moreover, in the brain of 18347191 6-month-old Tg mice, displaying an intermediate stage of plaque deposition, feeding with OLE resulted in the presence of several radiating plaques with ribbonlike/diffuse core and in a remarkable presence of fluffy deposits, whereas the plaques found in untreated Tg mice typically displayed a very dense core. Altogether, these findings suggest that OLE, besides interfering with de novo amyloid deposition, favours preformed plaque disassembly. OLE Induces Autophagy in the TgCRND8 Brain OLE Modifies Ab Burden in TgCRND8 Mice Next, we checked whether the improved cognitive performance of OLE-fed young/middle-aged Tg mice resulted from any altered amyloid load respect to untreated Tg mice. Few, round-shaped, small to medium size plaques were detected by an anti-Ab42 Ab in the cortex and hippocampus of untreated 3.5-month-old Tg mice. In 6-month-old Tg mice the Ab load became heavier with a calculated total plaque area in the cortex and hippocampus of about 1600 mm2 and 1400 mm2, respectively, which was markedly reduced in the brains of age-matched Tg mice fed with OLE. Quantitative analysis of total Ab plaque area and number in the cortex and the hippocampus revealed that the effect of OLE treatment was significant both in 3.5- and 6-monthold Tg mice, supporting a remarkable protective effect of OLE against early and middle stage of Ab deposition. Ab40 and A42 SDS and FA soluble fractions measured in the cortex of OLE-fed Tg mice of both ages were significantly reduced as compared to those measured in age-matched untreated Tg mice. Thioflavin S and the OC Ab which specifically recognizes fibrillar oligomers and amyloid fibrils, showed that in both the cortex and hippocampus of OLE-fed Tg mice of both ages Oleuropein Aglycone on AD-Like Pathology fed Tg and wt mice of both ages LC3-II levels showed a trend towards an
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