Ne Z radical. A more recent report has described transfer of H?from a -hydroxide to 2,4,6-tBu3PhO?413 It was later shown that ([MnIVMnIII2(O)2]3+ can abstract H?from alkylaromatic Naramycin A biological activity hydrocarbons with weak C bonds, consistent with the thermochemistry summarized in Figure 11.414 The more highly oxidized dimer, [MnIV2(O)2]4+, has a much higher 1e- redox potential and oxidizes aromatic hydrocarbons either by ET or by hydride abstraction.415 H?abstraction by [MnIV2(O)2]4+ is not observed because the one-electron reduced product [MnIVMnIII2(O)2]3+ is not basic, and therefore the thermodynamics are not favorable to form “[Mn2(O)(OH)]4+”.416 More recently, a number of laboratories have shown that dimeric CuIII–oxo complexes abstract H?from C and O bonds, as has been reviewed and GGTI298MedChemExpress GGTI298 discussed elsewhere.417 Unfortunately, this system has not proven amenable to detailed thermodynamic measurements, despite considerable effort.417 5.10.2 Metal Complexes with N Bonds–Metal mido, mide, and mine complexes, MNR, MNR2 and MNR3, are isoelectronic with metal xo, ydroxo, and ?aquo species. These appear to undergo analogous PCET processes, although far fewer systems have been examined. The nitrogen derivatives have an additional substituent and are therefore more sterically encumbered than their oxygen relatives. Che,418 Holland419 and others have shown that metal-imido species can abstract H?from C bonds, analogous to the oxo complexes above, but little thermochemical data are available. In principle, oxidizing metal amide complexes MNR2 could be good H?acceptors due to the basicity of the amide ligand. For instance, De Santis and co-workers have reported E?and pKa data for NiII(cyclam) which indicate BDFE = 89.1 kcal mol-1 to give the NiIII with a deprotonated cyclam ligand.420 However, the amide ligand itself is often susceptible to oxidation, losing hydrogen from the -carbon to form imines or nitriles.421 Che has used the oxidationprotected 2,3-diamino-2,3-dimethylbutane ligand (H2NCMe2CMe2NH2) to prepare oxidizing RuIV amides (and reported their Pourbaix diagrams).NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptChem Rev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 December 8.Warren et al.PageAnilido ligands, NHAr-, can not be oxidized by loss of -hydrogens (but they can be susceptible to nucleophilic attack in oxidizing compounds423). The OsIV anilido complex TpOs(NHPh)Cl2 (Tp = hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)borate, HBpz3) converts to the OsIII-aniline derivative TpOs(NH2Ph)Cl2 on addition of one electron and one proton.424 In the thermochemical square scheme in MeCN, there is a remarkably large shift of the pKa of the aniline ligand from -3 when bound to OsIV to 22.5 on OsIII. The redox potential shifts from strongly oxidizing for the protonated forms, E1/2(TpOs(NH2Ph)Cl2+/0) = +0.48 V vs. Cp2Fe+/0, to quite reducing for the anilide, E(TpOs(NHPh)Cl20/-) = -1.05 V. The 1.53 shift in potential is, in free energy terms, exactly the same as 25 unit shift in pKa, as it has to be by Hess’ Law since these are all part of the same square scheme (Scheme 12). This large shift is reminiscent of the [cis-(bpy)2(py)RuIVO]2+ system (Figure 10) and probably has the same origin, that the oxidized form has a metal-ligand bond that is disrupted upon reduction. In the osmium system, the rate constants for degenerate ET, PT, and HAT selfexchange were all obtained.424 There are a number of metal-imidazole and related PCET systems where protonation/ dep.Ne Z radical. A more recent report has described transfer of H?from a -hydroxide to 2,4,6-tBu3PhO?413 It was later shown that ([MnIVMnIII2(O)2]3+ can abstract H?from alkylaromatic hydrocarbons with weak C bonds, consistent with the thermochemistry summarized in Figure 11.414 The more highly oxidized dimer, [MnIV2(O)2]4+, has a much higher 1e- redox potential and oxidizes aromatic hydrocarbons either by ET or by hydride abstraction.415 H?abstraction by [MnIV2(O)2]4+ is not observed because the one-electron reduced product [MnIVMnIII2(O)2]3+ is not basic, and therefore the thermodynamics are not favorable to form “[Mn2(O)(OH)]4+”.416 More recently, a number of laboratories have shown that dimeric CuIII–oxo complexes abstract H?from C and O bonds, as has been reviewed and discussed elsewhere.417 Unfortunately, this system has not proven amenable to detailed thermodynamic measurements, despite considerable effort.417 5.10.2 Metal Complexes with N Bonds–Metal mido, mide, and mine complexes, MNR, MNR2 and MNR3, are isoelectronic with metal xo, ydroxo, and ?aquo species. These appear to undergo analogous PCET processes, although far fewer systems have been examined. The nitrogen derivatives have an additional substituent and are therefore more sterically encumbered than their oxygen relatives. Che,418 Holland419 and others have shown that metal-imido species can abstract H?from C bonds, analogous to the oxo complexes above, but little thermochemical data are available. In principle, oxidizing metal amide complexes MNR2 could be good H?acceptors due to the basicity of the amide ligand. For instance, De Santis and co-workers have reported E?and pKa data for NiII(cyclam) which indicate BDFE = 89.1 kcal mol-1 to give the NiIII with a deprotonated cyclam ligand.420 However, the amide ligand itself is often susceptible to oxidation, losing hydrogen from the -carbon to form imines or nitriles.421 Che has used the oxidationprotected 2,3-diamino-2,3-dimethylbutane ligand (H2NCMe2CMe2NH2) to prepare oxidizing RuIV amides (and reported their Pourbaix diagrams).NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptChem Rev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 December 8.Warren et al.PageAnilido ligands, NHAr-, can not be oxidized by loss of -hydrogens (but they can be susceptible to nucleophilic attack in oxidizing compounds423). The OsIV anilido complex TpOs(NHPh)Cl2 (Tp = hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)borate, HBpz3) converts to the OsIII-aniline derivative TpOs(NH2Ph)Cl2 on addition of one electron and one proton.424 In the thermochemical square scheme in MeCN, there is a remarkably large shift of the pKa of the aniline ligand from -3 when bound to OsIV to 22.5 on OsIII. The redox potential shifts from strongly oxidizing for the protonated forms, E1/2(TpOs(NH2Ph)Cl2+/0) = +0.48 V vs. Cp2Fe+/0, to quite reducing for the anilide, E(TpOs(NHPh)Cl20/-) = -1.05 V. The 1.53 shift in potential is, in free energy terms, exactly the same as 25 unit shift in pKa, as it has to be by Hess’ Law since these are all part of the same square scheme (Scheme 12). This large shift is reminiscent of the [cis-(bpy)2(py)RuIVO]2+ system (Figure 10) and probably has the same origin, that the oxidized form has a metal-ligand bond that is disrupted upon reduction. In the osmium system, the rate constants for degenerate ET, PT, and HAT selfexchange were all obtained.424 There are a number of metal-imidazole and related PCET systems where protonation/ dep.
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